Aida 6.3 Release Notes
6.3 aug11
--- Aug 2011
- Role, instvar #other added
- AIDASite countRequest, don't count ajax and websocket ones
- URLResolver removeObjectsOfClass: fast removal even in big number of entries
- WebSession cleanupQueue above 1000 resets and reports on Transcript
--- Jul 2011
- update also basic elements like input fields and buttons by wraping them in an updatable <span> tag
- WebButton disableUntilValid now works, it disables/gray-out a button and enables it back automatically when form becomes valid (and complete)
- WebButton can have now pre and post scripts too
- WebElement isActive, if it is still part of some active (displayed on browser) view
- WebElement wrap, isWraped, for basic elements to become Ajax updatable
- WebForm isEntered if all required fields entered, isComplete if entered and valid
- WebPage printHTML... doesn't clear the page's element tree anymore !
- WebSession existsUserNamed: added
- WebPage redirectTo: to ajax redirect to some other page
- WebCommand newLoadUrl: to send command abck to load some other page
- WebSession loginUserNamed:withPassword added
- WebWidget page, site, user, session added, for convenience
- Iif action methods missing or wrongly composed, an error with explanation is raised
- WebButton action is not changing button name with action name anymore but store action name separatelly
- WebApplication button action handling improved, errors reported.
- AIDASite class version '6.3'
- WebPage initPageScripts, comment out newTab and unload report, they crashes Safari 5.0.5!
- WebStyle js141WebSocket url composed entirely from window.location
- WebSession printWebPage, request must be post, otherwise reject with empty page
6.3 beta1 jul11
--- Jul 2011
- Realtime web support update:
- WebRealtimeHandler and WebRealtimeConnection classes introduced
- Comet support prepared, but not yet active
- WebCommands have now app and view on which command react
- WebSession command queue cleanup of commands for stale apps or views
- WebSesion releaseApplicationState closes all realtime channels too
- load on new tab/window reported via Ajax (WebPage)
- unload of page reported via Ajax, this view disabled (WebApplication,WebPage)
- active views = those who are shown in on the browser (WebApplication)
- WebPage setRandomId to for chech in page unload event
- Tree-like control flow advancemets:
- async non-blocking support like in node.js
- WebWidget ifTrue:, ifFalse, onAnswerDo: onCloseDo: blocks introduced
- Form support advancements:
- security: sanitizing input of script tag to avoid malicious code injection
- WebFormElement required introduced. Such field must be entered for form to save
- form elements announce change to the interested parties
- form elements can also Ajax update
- WebButton disableUntilValid, it will be auto enable when form is valid and complete
- setSingleFieldPost
- WebCheckBox change reported correctly
- WebElement advancements:
- can be any tag, added, not just div.
- class: can accept one or array of CSS classes
- addNilLinkText: has hash '#' as link instead of 'javascript(nic)'
- basicId: , besides id: which also registers that id
- hasTag introduced, not yet working well
- app now get reference to App from #creationObject if possible
- DelimitedFile default codepage UTF-8, SpFilename used to be portable
- WebDialog has now CSS classes #dialog and #'dialog-button'
- MIMEMap updated from the latest Apache mime.types, docx etc. added
--- On Jun 2011
- WebChat multi-user chat demo introduced, to demonstrate real-time web support in newest Aida
- WebElement creationContext saved, when element is instantiated
- WebElement newDiv always register id too!
- WebFormElement, WebEventHandler acceptSubmittedForm calls #submit action blocks on all form fields!
- Object firstContextFromStack climbs on stack first to find possible 'e update' and returns a creation context of that element
- WebAdminApp sites - real-time (WebSocket) refresh of timestamps and counts
- AIDASite isActive if there was some activity (requests served) in last hour
- AIDASite now announce activity, see onActivityDo:...
- AIDASite #other instvar added
- WebApplication removeYourself added, isActive too (active=not yet released)
- WebAdminApp sites: real-time changes flashing, green until site is active
- WebAdminApp delay 2 seconds after failed login to avoid brute-force attacks
- WebWidget, WebStubElement class new sets creationContext too
- WebStyle js12Commands - aidaUpdate now tests if this element still exist
- jQuery 1.6.1
- Jtalk support added in Aida, see for more
--- On May 2011
- Geolocation support introduced:
- WebGeolocation class added
- geolocation is added to WebSession
- WebStyle jsGeolocation added
- call e script: 'aidaLocationReport()' to start reporting geolocation, will be reported every hour or if location is changing
- WebSessionManagerApp shows link to location on map, if geolocation present
- String asFixedPoint: automatically detects decimal point character: , or .
- WebSecurity ipFilterPolicy enhanced
--- On April 2011
- VersionedObject removeOldVersions
- WebForm hideFormTag to remove default form from a page (to allow adding paypal button with its form, for instance)
- WebForm unhideFormTag added
- DefaultWebSite enhancedTitle in pageFrameWith*, if Admin user then site name is attached at the start of every title, for easier administration of many sites
--- On Mart 2011
- EMailMessenger sendSubject:body:attachFile:from:to: added
- WebSecurityManager ipFilterPolicy: #warn or #deny login from nonallowed IPs
- DefaultWebStyle CSV filetype icons added
- preferedUrl without .html
- AIDASite enable/disable sites, start only enabled site, nightlyCleanup as well
- WebAdminApp viewSites with enable/disable and start/stop Ajax toggle links
- WebElement existScriptForEvent: to avoid duplicate event sends
- WebSession printString - ip actually from peer
- WebForm removeSubform ifAbsent: nil, is this safe?
- WebElement existScriptForEvent: to avoid duplicate event sends
- WebSession printString - ip actually from peer
--- On February 2011
- FileProxy from: - SpFilename stricly used
- WebElement onClickClose added
Continue to older 6.2 Release notes