Running Aida/Web on Gemstone GLASS
This is a guide to install GLASS from scratch, not as VMware GLASS appliance. For Gemstone 3.0.1 Web Edition on Linux.
1. download and run installation shell script:
- wget
- chmod 777
- ./
- if you run as user, it will ask for root password!
- it will be installed in /opt/gemstone/product
- look carefully in the script output for potential problems!
2. set an environment by running:
- source /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/defSeaside
3. start Gemstone:
4. Check if everything is running well:
- gslist -lc
- startSeaside_Hyper 50081 "currently don't work, why not?"
- in web browser: http://hostname:50081/seaside/examples/counter
- (carefully, hostname is name of your machine!)
- ctrl/c startSeaside
Ok, first part done, now let we prepare and start GemTools:
1. download and install Gemtools
- wget
- unzip -d /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/
2. run GemTools "one-click" Squeak image:
- cd /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/
- ./
3. Login into Gemstone
- click big button Login
- after successful login the Gemstone/S Transcript should open
Finally a time to prepare and start Aida:
1. Load Aida packages into Gemstone
- open Monticello (button Tools... in GemTools Launcher)
- select --all repositories-- and in right pane right click, add repository, HTTP
- replace location with and Accept
- repeat for
- scroll right pane down and select swazoo2, then click button Open. Select latest Swazoo2.1 package and click button Load
- repeat for Aida, select latest Aida5.6 and load it
2. Run Aida
- open Workspace (button in GS/S Transcript!)
- do it SwazooAida stop; demoStart.
- GemTools should block now, with GS cursor shown!
- from web browser: http://localhost:8888
- unblock image with Alt . (Alt and point)
- restart again with SwazooAida stop; demoStart