Aida/Web 6.1 Release Notes
--- On: 09/08/2010
- Aida 6.1 release, same on Squeak/Pharo
- Portarbility sync with Squeak 6.1 release:
- WebRouter, WebStaticServer class - super basicNew instead of new
- webSession, WebUser log* SpDate instead of Date
- inline translation: WebSecurityManagerApp users and groups in sl and partly fr
- WebLink prepareForTranslation enhanced
- WebSession languageBasic, example: from ''en-us'' extract just ''en''
- EmailMessenger better handling of errors in code which terminate sender process
- inline translation: preserving text formation, links clickable again
--- On: 09/03/2010
- inline translation now works for view and any other method in App classes
- WebPage title supports now multilang text, but not translate yet
- - AIDASite addUACompatibleHeaderTo: ''IE=EmulateIE7'' for stupid IE8 to avoid manual checking of Compatibility view.
- - inline translation of WebSecurityManagerApp started
--- On: 09/02/2010
- URLResolver
- urlFromHalfUrl: refactored, host port in separate medthod:
- findHostPortOn: added, just first session from session manager used if there is no other way to find it
- inline translation improvements:
- WebTranslator write back to class side methods of classes with translations
- Unicode support in traslations - UTF8 encodings in methods with translations
--- On: 08/26/2010
- EmailMessenger error notifiying improved, delay 1s after fail and repeat once
- Routing of web requests introduced
- WebRouter introduced, with routes based on url matching, to manage a flexible routing of web request to the appropriate resource, based on url pattern matching.
- WebStaticServer for serving static content, moved out of URLResolver
- EMailMessenger error notifying only once, not back to queue
- patch: WebApplication allComposedViewMethods - self selectors asSet
--- On: 08/03/2010
- Synced with Squeak/Pharo Aida6.0-jm.101
- - all categories to Aida-Widgets in that package
- - Object #aidaContentType, aidaWebAppFor: , renamed #contentType: #webAppFor:
- - WebStyle prototypeFrameworkPart actually second part of new Prototype version!
- - AIDASite Sport''s SpTimestamps elsewhere
- - WebScheduler to AIDA namespace
--- On: 07/29/2010
- NOTE: install also all others on today date, like Scribo, BiArt!
- this is also done in Squeak/Pharo Aida6.0-final.1002
- Object>>#contentType renamed to #aidaContentType, also in many subclasses, to avoid override clashes with other projects (like KomHTTPServer)
- WebStyle all js,css methods only from WebStyle and subclasses, without those Object class
--- around: 07/19/2010
- DefaultWebStyle cssPrint11Page "page of pages" footer printing
- WebScheduler removeEvent: added
- PartyCollection allSortedText added
- AIDASite allPages today, this week, month, all
- WebAdmin sitesElement page count stats today, week, month, all
- WebAdminApp sitesElement admin link
- AIDASite setLastRequestTimestamp in #object:for:
- WebAdminApp viewSites with real dates of created,started, last request
- URLResolver removeObjectsOfObsoleteClass
- WebStatisticsApp, WebStyle statsIntroduction for additional stats info
--- Around: 05/30/2010
- WebGrid filters on columns with add blocks now work too!
- WebElement asString to return text only part of element and its subelements
- Party, OrgUnit, Company printString
- AdvancedSearch auto column support in results table, search form support
- Time printSecSloString
- WebFormElement onFocus,onBlurUpdate, disabled, enabled, readOnly added
--- Around: 05/04/2010
- Ajax update without or with argument, both possible on the same element or widget if it has both methods implemented. Example: aWidget ajaxUpdate, ajaxUpdate:
- WebApplication ajaxUpdateAppElement,Widget
- WebElement, TableRow, TableCell align: valign: argument check
- DailyCollection includesYear: added
- Collection allDailyCollectionYear: optimized
- WebList add methods return now the WebListItem
- DailyCollection last
--- Around: 03/26/2010 11:39:00.000
- WebUser registeredTimestamp introduced
- WebUser last login/logout timestamp added
- WebSession, WebUser loginHistory added
- WebRichEditor style richEditorLanguage.
- WebStyle richEditorLanguage, ''en'' by default.
- WebAdminApp actionLogin
- WebUserGroup allUsersSorted added
--- Around: 03/22/2010
- Object firstRequestFromStack check also the selector before return the argument
- WebRegistrationApp report email
- AIDASite all initial urls of system and user services without .html at the end
- WebUserApp views instead printing protocols
- WebRegistrationApp country in reg form, report email with link to profile
- WebUserApp, WebStyle profileIntroMessage
--- Around: 03/21/2010
- MIGRATION if you use obsolete SimpleSMTPClient (specially in VW7.2), add manually the following EMPTY methods for compatibility: connect, quit, useAuthentication: aBoolean
- EMailMessenger sendExample, privSendMessage sends via VW SMTPClient too (migrated from obsolete SimpleSMTPClient)
- EMailMessenger class smtpClientClass, by default SMTPClient
- WebUser preferedName short, without .html''
- WebUserApp some method renames
- WebUser site, printString
- WebUserApp changeToPreferedUrl after adding to have nice urls
- Object webAppFor: (self basicNew session: aSession; initialize)
- Party, Address - web added, for website
- DefaultWebPage CSS for lastChangedFooter added, font smaller
--- On: 03/14/2010
- AIDASite webUserClass to allow use a class other that WebUser
- WebStyle registration*Messages
- WebSecurityManager allowViews:andUpdates:for:on: added for easier setup
- WebRegistrationApp, activationRequest, activate, emailing, more robust
- DefaultWebStyle headerLogin, Register or Profile links added
- AIDASite registrationAllowed, by default not
- WebForm bufferedValueAspect:for: to get the value before it is saved
- EMailMessenger moved here from Scribo
- AIDASite messenger in system-services
- WebRegistrationApp main form
- WebApplication redirectToView: redirecting to standalone App class
- WebElement addRuler, besides addRulerSize:
- WebForm collectErrorTexts, validFields, invalidFields
--- On: 03/10/2010
- -Standalone Apps introduced, without link to the domain model. Register such App as a class instead of the instance in url resolver!
- WebRegistrationApp, just started
- AIDASite registration
--- Around: 03/03/2010
- WebPage ensureTitleInHeader
- DefaultWebStyle cssPrint11Page added for CSS3 @page printing on supported output like Prince PDF creator
- WebElement addPageBreak is DIV based now, of CSS class #pageBreak
- URLResolver fileProxyForURL: check and reject if this is a directory!
- WebWindow popupStyle - CSS3 shadows, rounded border
- WebStyle lightBoxJs -- scrollbars are back, left navbar untoched
- WebWindow popupStyle - no more overflow:hidden for html and body, thanks to Nicolas Petton for help!
- WebPage headers: title after charset definition
- AIDASite style: patch
--- Around: 02/21/2010
- AIDASite>>style: checks if #styleClass: should be called instead
- DefaultWebStyle cssText preformated text with nice gray line on the left
- WebStyle, DefaultWebStyle rename of protocols: layout instead of frame printing etc
--- On: 02/04/2010
- form validation support finished, see WebDemoApp>>ajaxValidationExample
- WebFormElement #errorText: #errorElement added
- Aida-Widgets package, renamed from Aida-Components
- WebWidget insideDivTag always true for widgets
- action blocks (ala callbacks) introduced in WebElement, triggered on some events like onClickDo:
- WebFormElement action block for change #onChangePostAndDo:
- WebFormElement #validIfTrue: [:value | "validation sentence here"]
- WebDemoApp ajaxValidationExample
- WebSecurityManager removal of users and groups ajaxified, lock icons added
- WebUserGroup locking, istvar other added.
- DefaultWebStyle lockSmallPng added
--- Around: 01/31/2010
- DaillyCollection allYearsForKindOf: returns proper years now
- WebStyle pageWidth etc into defaults
- AIDASite initializeDefaultSettings - home, help directory rather lazy init, because of platform issues
- AIDASite defaultHome, Help directory and lazy init of home, help directories
- WebFormElement onChangeClose also updates a specified element after close, if requested
- better handling of update after popup close, works now for both widgets and usual elements:
- WebElement onClickPopup:andUpdate: , addCloseLinkText:
- WebLink onClickCloseAndDo:
- WebAplication ajaxUpdate:with:
- WebContext instvar #other added, and #afterCloseUpdate
- security settings - always update pages after back button (aidaDontCache)
--- Around: 01/28/2010
- JoomlaTemplate
- addSuperStyles returns false,
- reorg of method categories
- DailyValues lastDate returns nil, if nothing yet there
- WebAdminApp actionLogin start, endAuthentication, better comments
- DefaultAuthenticator start, endAuthentication
- WebMethodResource and Image moved to Aida-Internal
- WebSecurityManager addUser, addGroup return the argument
--- On: 01/03/2010
- Pluggable authentication introduced
- DefaultAuthenticator class added for local authentication
- AIDASite authenticator in system services
- WebAdminApp actionLogin uses pluggable authenticator instead
- on the way to LDAP authentication ..
--- Around: 01/02/2010
- PrototypeJS upgrade to 1.6.1 sep09
- Scriptaculous upgrade to 1.8.3 oct09
- DailyCollection, added method #remove:onDate:
- AIDAModelNullAdaptor introduced, to adapts actually nothing just holds the value. This is a default adaptor in form element if no one is set. Usefull for preparing forms in advance, without connecting to domain model.
- WebDelayedField scriptForPostAndUpdate:with: ajaxSingleField added
- WebMenu aspect,objectToStore if adaptor nil ...
- WebLink onClickCloseAndDo:, onclickDo: now work
- WebAplication triggerActionblockIfAnyOn: anElement
- AIDAModelAdapter changed instvar, save only if changed
--- Around: 11/10/2009
- WebSession checkExpirationAndPossiblyLogoutFor: app showError, not error!
- WebApplication showError instead of error for error reporting!
- WebApplication ajax update view methods raise an error
- WebCheckBox setAspectTrue, false sets through adaptor now
- WebApplication printWebView:for: init form inputFields
--- On: 11/08/2009
- Verification introduced in form elements
- WebFormElement isValid, save
- WebMenu aspect, object to store in adaptor
- WebApplication acceptiInputsAndActionFrom: reject a whole form if one single field not pass vaidation. All must be valid for form to be saved.
- AIDAModelAdaptor instead ProtocolAdapter, AspectAdaptor, IndexedAdaptor
- HTTPPost ajaxSingleInputName get also names for autocomplete and inplace fields
- WebLink actionBlock (aka callback) introduced,
- #onClickDo: aBlock, #onClickCloseAndDo:
- WebWidget ajaxUpdate, class new with creation method set
- WebElement addCloseLinkText, renamed from addCloseWindowText:
- WebDemoApp periodic updater example enabled again
--- Around: 11/04/2009
- WebFormElement aspect adapting
- just adaptor instvar, no more aspect and object
- no more #adapt method needed, adapting is done at instance creation
- no more #setValue:
- WebMenu two adaptors: for selection to store, also for apsect and collection
- WebElement no more #adaptFormElements, not needed, see above
- WebElement updateEverySeconds:with: - no self id
- DailyValues lastDate added
- WebUser preferedUrl asSloveneWithoutCircumflexes
- WebElement onClickPopup: thenUpdate:
- no more anElementOrId, just anElement for Ajax calls
- WebFormElement onChangeClose
- WebContext elementId: searches for a whole context chain
- VersionedObject undoNewVersion
--- On: 09/28/2009
- as parcel on Cincom CD and public store as 6.0.1
- n parcel comment added "..graph-like and tree-like control flow.."
--- On: 09/24/2009
- HTTPRequest view returns #main if view is not defined in query or post values
- WebGrid performance bug - filtering was always done, even without filter entries
- WebElement class new patch
- Company preferedUrl with name directly, without prefix, for easier selection
- AdvancedSearch search of numbers with * too
- AdvancedSearch support class moved here (in Aida-Support)
- AdvancedSearch introduced in Aida-Support, handy for a general search
- AIDASite contextProcesses setting to switch-off them by default (tree-like control fow) until proven working well in all occasions
Continue to older 6.0 Release notes